Tomi Lahren Speaks with Trevor Noah

I've only seen a couple segments of Tomi's show "Final Thoughts" via Facebook. But she recently talked with Trevor Noah on "The Daily Show" which I wanted to give my two cents on. During the interview, Tomi related rioting, looting, and burning in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement to it's platform. According to it's website, Black Lives Matter is "a call to action and a response to virulent anti-Black racism that permeates our society." Nowhere on the website did it tell it's followers to riot, loot, or burn. The thing is, anyone can say they are doing something in the name of something else. And in fact that has happened! Let's not forget the Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church Shooting. In 2008, Jim Adkisson, who was a devout right-winger, walked into a church and started shooting at children. He did so because of the church's liberal teachings. In his suicide note he said, "liberals are evil... ...