Tomi Lahren Speaks with Trevor Noah

I've only seen a couple segments of Tomi's show "Final Thoughts" via Facebook. But she recently talked with Trevor Noah on "The Daily Show" which I wanted to give my two cents on.

During the interview, Tomi related rioting, looting, and burning in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement to it's platform. According to it's website, Black Lives Matter is "a call to action and a response to virulent anti-Black racism that permeates our society." Nowhere on  the website did it tell it's followers to riot, loot, or burn. 
The thing is, anyone can say they are doing something in the name of something else. And in fact that has happened! Let's not forget the Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church Shooting. In 2008, Jim Adkisson, who was a devout right-winger, walked into a church and started shooting at children. He did so because of the church's liberal teachings. In his suicide note he said, "liberals are evil... Liberals are a pest like termites... Kill liberals... This was a hate crime." 
He killed two and wounded several more.

"Did you know that a black man is 18.5 times more likely to shoot a police officer than a police officer is to shoot a black man?" Um, sorry Tomi. If you're going to state a "fact" at least do so correctly. You forgot a word. "... Than a police officer is to shoot an unarmed black man." 

Tomi also stated, "I don't see color." Whether literally or figuratively... yeah you do. It's called implicit bias. But it's not a bad thing, everyone has it. Unfortunately, what we see in the media and our day to day interacts does shape how we see the world. It's a product of our society and it's important to acknowledge. What's even more important is to not let this bias influence our actions.

To her credit, diversity of thought is important too. But that doesn't mean you don't see color.

When Trevor Noah asked her how a Black person should protest, Tomi couldn't come up with an answer. And instead of admitting this, instead of saying "I don't know," she just avoided the question. This is a fallacy of logic called Red Herring. Personally, I would have been more impressed if she would have just said, "I don't know."

Although the following wasn't touched on in the show... the fact that you (Tomi) think climate change is just weather is ridiculous. Scientists agree that climate change/ global warming is real. If you have children, I hope you're a good parent. Because if you pollute the environment without regard to the changes it has on our climate, this is a form of abandonment. Being a good parent is more than just giving your child a good environment to grow up in. You need to preserve that environment so they have something once they're grown up and you are gone. And unfortunately, they will have to deal with the burden you left. 


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