What's Next, 2017?

I'm not going to lie... Winter break is highly unproductive for me. I sit around at home and basically just veg out. I'm a self-proclaimed homebody and am perfectly comfortable just sitting around. But when that is the only thing I do every single day, even this girl gets restless.

I could be checking out new places, but in the winter it's just so cold. Yeah, it's a lame excuse, I know.
But this winter, my sister and I are completely revamping our living situation. She has enlisted in the navy, so over the course of the next 6 years or so, she's not going to be home much. This is part of her motivation to de-clutter. Selling (text)books, clothes, and other items around the house that don't mean that much anymore. This will also give her some extra cash before she flies off.

For me, I'm embracing a more minimalist lifestyle this year. What does minimalism mean to me? It means consuming deliberately. If you were to ask either of us, our mom is a "neat" hoarder. You know those people, whose living area is clean but basement or closet is a mess. The people who can't seem to get rid of a basket or magazines, things that take up unnecessary space but are still "important." That's our mom. She's part of the reason to make this lifestyle change.

I think consuming deliberately is imperative to make a change in the world. We live in a time where when things are broke, we don't fix them. We buy more. (Check out Repair Cafes, who are trying to fight this problem.) But what if, we stopped buying things in the first place? Or bought only what we truly need? I don't need 6 purses that I don't use, coffee cups that sit in storage, socks without a match, a dozen scarves that never leave the rack, letters that haven't been opened since the first day I looked at them... I need to stop filling my place with things and instead fill it with people.

In +The Minimalists documentary, money only correlates with happiness up to ~$70,000/ year. After that, if you earn more money that doesn't necessarily make you more happy.

There are plenty of challenges out there to jump start this change (Project 333, the capsule wardrobe, 30 Day Minimalist Game, etc). But whatever I do (and whatever you do), make sure you make it count. Sell what you can, recycle what you can, donate what you can, and finally throw away what you can't.

Here's to a better 2017, filled with more that matters 💛


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