Atheists' "Ten Commandments"

hi everyone!

so if you weren't aware, there was a "10 Atheists' Commandments contest" for athiests to write their own "rules." because I am on winter break, I just finished a religion course at my college and this post definitely peaked my interest and I was pleasantly surprised! all of the following "commandments" are statements I also believe in, and here's why:

~ be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence
if science and life has taught you anything over the course of history, it is that things change. being narrow minded will get you nowhere, especially if you are proven wrong. being open-minded doesn't make you any less strong in your beliefs, it just means you are mature enough to know that you can be wrong.

~ strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you wish to be true
though this might not be the best "rule" concerning religion, it is a good rule for life. people change, and your perception of who they are compared to who they actually are can be very different. we may want someone to change or to be more open and honest, but we can't change them unless they want to change as well, and we need to accept that.

~ the scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural world
test and test and test again. question why and how things happen in the world. learning about things just makes a smarter generation. and until a better method is developed, use what works and what is effective.

~ God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life
there are plenty of good people in the world that don't believe in God. or may believe in a different god than you. their beliefs may influence how they act, but in the end it is their actions that matter. anyone who doesn't believe in God but is still trying to make the world a better place is okay in my book.

~ be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them
be a grown up. all of our actions have a consequence. recognize that and if the consequences are bad, fix them.

~ treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect them to want to be treated. think about their perspective
the golden rule. it's universal and has been around for years. there's a reason it continues to live throughout history - it's perfect. though it may be written in different words for different places and religions of the world, it's message is pure. of all of the "10 commandments" you should follow, it should be this one.

~ we have the responsibility to consider others, including future generations
 this is huge. most of the time, we do not take the time to consider how our actions affect more than the immediate people around us. with the pollution in the world, I don't want to make the world more toxic. we have the brains and technology to create greener options and live healthier, so why not do it? which is why, when I start to live on my own, I'm going to live very minimalistic and as natural as possible.

~ there is no one right way to live
 billions of lives are on the planet, and I bet everyone has gone through the thought that "I don't know what I'm doing" and that's okay! as long as you are trying to live a good life and help others, that should be enough for the world.

~ leave the world a better place than you found it
 this kind of goes hand in hand with considering others. and it is so self-explanatory.

I hope you all found these rules as inspiring as I did and I will talk to you all later! :)


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