2015 Thoughts

Starting this year, I was in my first semester of Nursing. Now, I'm finishing my second. I stopped playing tennis, made more friends, and had my relationships tested. And now, I'm here to share.

First of all, school is not hard. It's one of the easiest things actually. Sure there is a lot of content, but the worst part was timing. I always made time for sleep. For those students who spend sleepless nights studying or working on papers. That's not for me. I always say I need sleep to function. But it's more than that. It's to recharge, refuel, and to give my mind a break. Did I escape with a 4.0 this semester? No. But for one class I was 2 points away from getting an AB - which would make my grades A, AB, AB, AB and I can live with that. But most of all I made time for fun. Going out with friends, to different events, trying new things. Sure, being known as a book worm isn't the worst thing in the world. But, I want to be more than that.

With tennis, am I sad I quit? A little. I'm sad about not being able to participate in matches. But I don't miss getting ready for 8:30 practices and coming home at midnight. Besides, I'll still hit around with my sister and cheer on my teammates at matches. So I'm not missing all of the fun.

Making new friends is never easy. It doesn't matter the age or the situation, it's always a little clumsy or awkward. I have some of my best friends at school but making new friends doesn't mean I'll leave them in the dust. It can be hard combining new and old or trying to keep the two separate without anyone feeling left out. But I think I'm doing better.

I started this year being the closest with my guy friend than I have in a really long time. And now, it's like I can barely get two words out of him. Maybe I did something wrong. Did I say too much? Too little? Was I too boring? Too smart? Was it just the timing? Part of me believes that the timing doesn't matter and that if two people are meant to be together they'll find away. Another part of me knows that school should be top priority. And while I know that, that doesn't mean I'm happy with it. Everyone goes through their own struggles with relationships - I just hope this wasn't for nothing. We were already strangers for a couple years, and I don't want us to end up as strangers again.

And what about the friend that's showed you another side you never knew of? A side that's not too pretty, I might add. Let me be the first to say that I would never want to change her. I don't want to change anyone - unless they're doing something unhealthy. But the way she's been acting recently can be irritating. She's said before she's never had a lot of friends, but (and this may be horrible to say) but I can see why. She's stubborn to a fault. She say's she'll listen to what other people have to say - but she will always try to prove them wrong. And while I love her, I don't know how it will be living with her next year.

Thanks, 2015 for teaching me a lot so far. And I'll just keep learning as time goes on.


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