Why I ...

Use Summit Credit Union's Primary Savings Account
I've only been a member of Summit Credit Union for a brief amount of time. However, I love their savings accounts. Their primary savings account doesn't have monthly fees or minimum balance charges, and it only took $5 to open! I can take my money out whenever I want, no questions asked. Plus I earn dividends ($) once my balance hits $25+. Compare that to my Chase savings where I earned 1 cent for $1000 dollars in savings... I will be closing that savings account to put money into Summit. I may also open a second savings account (GoSave Account) with Summit that allows me to earn higher interest compared to my primary savings account.
The best time to save money is every time you get money.
Pay yourself first.

Use the same Computer since 2013
Honestly, I love my laptop. I don't have much on it because I don't need much. Right now, I'm using a VAIO system which is perfect for watching videos online and replying to e-mails. Like my cell phones, I probably won't replace my computer until it crashes on me.

Use Bing 
Two words. Bing Rewards. I wish I would have started using Bing sooner! Simply, every time you search something on Bing while you're logged into your Bing account, you earn points. And once you get to a certain amount, you can redeem gift cards - my favorite is $5 Amazon gift cards. Paying me for searching? It's easy money. Granted, it takes a while for the points to add up, but if you're logged into multiple devices, you can gain points quickly.

Buy (most) of My Clothes at Thrift Stores
Clothes Mentor and GoodWill are some of my favorite places to shop. I recently got a $70 top for $10 dollars. Now when I go to a mall or target and see their prices I usually just walk out. Unless I'm specifically looking for something, I'll stay away from there. I will say, I'll buy shoes at the store because it's harder to find options I actually like at thrift stores. The savings are calling!


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