
Safety. It's a common word around the hospital. You may have heard the phrase, "do no harm." It's because doctors and nurses have the potential to do a lot of harm. Prevention of falls, infections, medication errors... Patient safety is huge.

But while the patient may be the first person someone thinks of when they hear the words "safety" and "hospital" together, what about the caregiver?

During January of this year. nurse practitioner Carlie Beaudin was found frozen beneath her car, beat to death. And in April, Lynne Truxillo died from complications after being attacked from a patient.

Working in the healthcare field puts nurses on the front lines. It makes us vulnerable. And the patient's we take care of put us at the biggest risk. Verbal and physical abuse are a reality. Cursing, swearing, hitting, biting, rape...

It's not acceptable. Ever.

Being a nurse isn't a safe profession. In a year, 1 in 5 nurses or nursing assistants reports being physically abused, 1 in 2 for verbal abuse. And ED nurses have it worse. In a week, "12 percent of emergency department nurses experienced physical violence—and 59 percent experienced verbal abuse."

It shouldn't take a tragedy to open eyes to what can happen to those who try to help you. And I will never, never understand why those in their right mind would go out of their way to throw things and yell at the people who are trying to help you.

It cannot stand. #SilentNoMore


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