How do you know?

it's the timeless question: how do you know when you're in love?
maybe it's the feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you see them pass by
maybe it's the tingling feeling down your spine when you catch them looking at you
the red blush that comes across your face
when you can't help but smile when you look at them


i can't tell you what the feeling of being in love is because it's different for every person
i know there's a difference between loving someone and being in love with them

but here's what love is for me

it's being able to do anything with them and still have a good time
it's feeling at home when i'm with him
it's being able to sleep in his bed and he's willing to sleep somewhere else - just because he's a gentleman that way
when he's being weird and tucking me in at night, throwing me the "good pillow" just because
when i wake up earlier than him and have to stay quiet because he needs the sleep
it's sitting at the lake and staring up at the stars
his arm around my shoulder
it's remembering the little things he wants or finds cool and planning on getting them for his birthday (and then not doing it because he blatantly refuses to accept them)

knowing he would do anything for me - and i would do anything for him
even if it means being "just friends" because he doesn't feel the same way

because i'd rather stay friends than lose our friendship because i opened my big mouth
but what if it's worth it

it's the timeless struggle between the mind and the heart

it's also being able to snuggle, legs intertwined
laughing off our stomach rumblings that break the silence
kisses that make me want more, much more
holding hands in the theater and awkward neck kinks because we didn't move (each hoping the other is comfortable)
holding his neck and pulling him closer
being silent and just enjoying each other

the promise to see each other again, even if it takes some time

i may sound greedy, but i want all of this (and so much more)


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