Snapchat Problems

what is such the big deal with snapchat? i mean, i know it's a fun app, i certainly enjoy using it. but the top three friends feature is just causing problems lately.

for example...

a girl has a boyfriend/ guy she's been seeing. she is his top friend on snapchat for while. it's a good sign: you two are talking and you're his favorite person to be talking to. but one day, she checks his top friends and (dun dun dun) it isn't her. instead (judging from the screen name) it's a different girl. and so she freaks out and starts to worry and gets jealous etc.

this situation has certainly happened to me, but i've never reacted that way. instead i kinda just brush it off. i know where i stand with this guy and i like where it's going. as far as i know, i'm the only girl he's seeing and he's never given me a reason not to trust him. so really, what reason do i have to be jealous?

maybe it's just me or maybe i should be worried? but right now, we're talking and i'm not going to risk him thinking i'm weird or possessive just because of some app. so please people who do, grow up.


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