Moving Sucks

Moving sucks. Everyone knows it. There are boxes upon boxes upon boxes of stuff, stuff that you forgot even existed. You find old clothes that no longer fit and canned food in the pantry that's probably expired. You wonder how all that stuff even fit in your small 2 bedroom condo. And why do you have 50 scarves? A dozen jackets? Old computer monitors? What purpose does that stuff serve you?

But what if moving is an opportunity? What exactly am I talking about? Donation! Tonight I was able to get rid of a table and chairs at my local +Goodwill ... this set was just sitting in the basement taking up space.
 One of these backrests that I bought my freshman year of college and rarely used.
A giant dog bed my dog doesn't even use, a hanging organizer for the clothes I never put in it, and a giant stuffed tiger I haven't touched in years.

Even just moving out of a dorm room or college apartment sucks! What am I going to do with this eco-shelf after college?

And no, I don't want to bring it home. Or my wire storage grid... I have no need for that at home. All of these things just take up unnecessary space.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - get rid of what you don't need. The things that don't add value to your life. Sell, donate, re-gift, I don't care! Moving certainly sucks, but it can also be a great time to learn what you really need in your life.


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