Mnemonics for the NCLEX-RN
(This will be continuously updated as I find mnemonics I like)
Remember, the best mnemonics are the ones you actually remember! If you aren't going to remember it, or can't remember it easily, then there's no reason you should be using brain space for it.
Nursing Process (AD PIE)
No pee, no K - do not give potassium without adequate urine output
Remember, the best mnemonics are the ones you actually remember! If you aren't going to remember it, or can't remember it easily, then there's no reason you should be using brain space for it.
Nursing Process (AD PIE)
- Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation
- Remember before administering something (like a pain medication), you have to assess
- Airway, Breathing, Circulation (bleeding), disability (neuro check)
- Evaluate, Assess, Teach
- + An unstable patient or medications
- MTV on the AIR waves... measles, TB, varicella, VRSA
- Private room, negative pressure, N95 mask
Electrolyte Range Acronym
- Miss Piggy & Kermit Came Home on Cloud Nine
- Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium (K), calcium, bicarbonate (HCO3), chloride, sodium (Na)
- The electrolytes go in increasing ranges
- Magnesium 1.5-2.5 meq/L
- Phosphorus 2.5-4.5 mg/dL
- (K) Potassium 3.5-5 (or 5.5) meq/L
- Calcium 4.5-5.5 meq/L or 8.5-10.5 mg/L
- (HCO3) Bicarbonate 22-26
- Chloride 95-105 meq/L
- (Na) Sodium 135-145 meq/L
Face is red, raise the head... Face is pale, raise the tail
Shock and increased ICP have opposite vital signs
Conduct disorder is for Children; Antisocial personality disorder is for Adults
COUMADIN + PT = 10 letters
HEPARIN + PTT = 10 letters
Cold and clammy, need some 🍬
AVPU for Responsiveness
The 5 Ps of Compartment Syndrome
The 4 C's of a Transesophageal Fistula... when the esophagus doesn't fully develop. It's a surgical emergency!
The 4 A's of Schizophrenia
Shock and increased ICP have opposite vital signs
Conduct disorder is for Children; Antisocial personality disorder is for Adults
COUMADIN + PT = 10 letters
HEPARIN + PTT = 10 letters
Cold and clammy, need some 🍬
AVPU for Responsiveness
- Alertness
- Verbal stimuli
- Pain
- Unresponsiveness
- Heat
- Hydration
- Oxygen
- Pain relief
- High - Obstruction (including if the patient coughs, gags, or bites)
- Low - Disconnection (including if the patient stops spontaneously breathing)
- Cane Opposite Affected Leg
- Salt replacement
- Sugar (dextrose) replacement
- Steroid replacement
- Support of physiologic functions
- Search and treat any underlying cause
The 5 Ps of Compartment Syndrome
- Pain
- Pallor
- Pulselessness
- Polar
- Paresthesia
- Passageway
- Passenger
- Powers - uterine contractions
- Position
- Psychological response
- Female
- Forty
- Fat (obesity)
- Fertile (usually have children)
- Morphine
- Oxygen
- Nitroglycerin
- Aspirin
The 4 C's of a Transesophageal Fistula... when the esophagus doesn't fully develop. It's a surgical emergency!
- Choking
- Coughing
- Cyanosis
- Continuous drooling
HELLP Syndrome: Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelets- Toxoplasmosis
- Rubella
- Herpes
- Syphilis
The 4 A's of Schizophrenia
- Affect
- Autism - preoccupation with self and retreat into fantasy
- Association - loosely joined unrelated topics
- Ambivalence
- Change in bowel or bladder habits
- A sore that does not heal
- Unusual bleeding or discharge
- Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere
- Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
- Obvious change in wart or mole
- Nagging cough or hoarseness
The ABCDs of Skin Cancer
- Asymmetrical
- Borders
- Colors
- Diameter (>5mm
- Magnesium Sulfate 4-7 mg/dl
- A vasodilator that rapidly lowers BP
- S/E: Drowsiness and hot flashes
- Complications include maternal hypotension, absence of DTR, oliguria, and apnea
- Elevation of a baby's bilirubin level >12 mg/dl may require phototherapy
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