Things That Piss Me Off

There are plenty of things in the world that piss me off, these are a couple of them.

This article describes how Jessica's rapist still has visitation rights to her sons. She was raped multiple times when she was a teenager and now has two sons. In addition, she miscarried once and another son died due to "a disease common in cases of incest." Her rapist and step-uncle was never convicted, despite DNA evidence.

How in the world is someone not convicted despite DNA evidence! Especially if this is happening multiple times. And for her family to not only allow this to happen, but to encourage it, is disgusting. Apparently she was also forced to marry her step-uncle.

In Alabama, rapists still have their rights, which is insane! So the judge told Jessica, with each visitation denied, she would have to spend 48 hours in jail. So you're telling me you want a pedophile rapist to have visitation rights to two young boys? Guess I'll never visit Alabama.

Shall we move on to another state, like Michigan? In this story from 2017, Tiffany's rapist Christopher Mirasolo - who pleaded guilty to attempted 3rd degree sexual criminal assault - was granted joint custody rights to his 8 year old child.

Christopher has been jailed twice, once after taking the plea deal regarding Tiffany and another after being convicted of raping another individual. At the time, both girls were less than 16 years old. And again, you're telling me you want a pedophile rapist to have custody of an 8 year old?! What has this world come to?

Now this article states judge Gregory Ross who made the original ruling, has rescinded it. Christopher won't have any parental rights but still needs to provide child support. In my opinion, this is what should've happened the first time.

Finally, this viral video is going around about the Phoenix police... If you haven't seen it you need to. The police officers were completely unprofessional. They should be terminated immediately. There is no reason shoplifting a $1 doll ever should have ended this way.


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