The Flu

I recently read an article about how a 4-year-old died from the flu in Colorado. At the end of the article, the mom states, "... and it feels like we failed him because we did what we had to do." Worried, and searching for advice, this mom tried Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Elderberry, and Zinc. And despite these remedies recommended by fellow members of a Facebook group, her son didn't survive.

But what if I told you, she had already took her son to the doctor? How the doctor already prescribed Tamiflu, but she didn't pick it up. How those recommendations for Vitamin C "until diarrhea," and peppermint oil didn't break her son's fever that caused a seizure.

The fact is this Anti-Vax Facebook group and mother did fail her son. What's the point of going to the doctor if you aren't going to follow his recommendations and prescriptions? "I am a momma freaking out all alone in this, with a family who believes in [no] natural ways... they are making me feel bad for not putting him on Tamiflu."

I don't care about making you feel bad. You have a choice on how to treat your children, and unfortunately, those choices have consequences. Sometimes devastating ones.


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