Things that Should be Left Behind in 2020

Tanning Salons

As a 5 billion dollar industry, it's no wonder that tanning salons still exist. I've only ever gotten a spray tan (and a free one at that), but I could never imagine exposing my skin to a tanning bed knowing what I know. Tanning salons are everywhere and even my gym has tanning beds for people to use! According to the American Academy of Dermatology, if used before the age of 35, indoor tanning bed increase the risk for melanoma by 59%. It also has a compound effect, putting you at higher risk each time you tan. The UV light from a tanning bed is a known carcinogen and therefore, it's the AADA stance that "no person or facility should advertise the use of any UVA or VB tanning device using working such as 'safe,' 'safe tanning,' 'no harmful rays,' 'no adverse effect,' or similar working or concepts." My promise to myself in 2020 is that I will never go into a tanning bed.

Smoking Cigarettes

I'm lucky enough not to be around secondhand smoke that often. However, any amount of secondhand smoke can be harmful. And unfortunately, "separating smokers from non-smokers, opening windows, or using air filters does not prevent people from breathing secondhand smoke." The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that smoking affects nearly every organ in the body - in case that wasn't obvious. "More than 10 times as many US citizens have died prematurely from cigarette smoking than have died in all the wars fought by the united states." As a nurse, something that irritates me is when patients (or their family members) smoke in their room. No only do I dislike the habit in general, but in a hospital with dozens of patients on oxygen, it's a huge safety hazard too! And as someone who care about the environment, smoking not only bothers me from an health standpoint, but from an environmental standpoint as well. My promise to myself in 2020 is that I will never start smoking - cigarettes or anything else. 🚭



Besides being rude, littering is also costly. This PDF from the states that "litter clean up costs the US more than an estimated $11.5 billion each year." My promise to myself in 2020 is that I will not contribute to littering & to pick up litter when I see it. My other promise to myself is to start composting to decrease the amount of trash I'm producing.

Plastic Bags

Need I say more. Everyone is aware of the ware on single use plastics. And as someone with four or five reusable bags in my apartment, there's no excuse for me to not be using them. Even if you can't buy a reusable shopping bag right now, you can make one with old tee shirts. My promise to myself in 2020 is that I will use my reusable bags as much as possible. ♻

Candies with Palm Oil

In case you didn't know, palm oil can only grow in certain conditions. My promise to myself in 2020 is to check ingredient labels and not eat or purchase candies made with palm oil. Goodbye twix and kit kat 😢


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