Break Any Jealous Bone in Your Body

out of all of the seven deadly sins - greed, gluttony, pride, lust, anger, envy, and sloth - envy i think is by far the worst. its the one that hurts the people around you the most.

for example, my roommate is/was dating another guy in the dorm (its complicated doesn't even begin to describe it). when they are together, the guy in the relationship gets really jealous about her being even remotely close to another guy.

first of all, jealousy equates to not trusting the other person. if you don't trust your partner then why are you with them?! also, its not pretty or appealing on anybody. its okay to be mad at your partner if they did something wrong, but if they aren't then stop worrying about them. having a reason is completely different than just speculating

going back to my roommate, when they weren't in a relationship, she would get really jealous about the girls her ex would hang with. she would call the other girl ugly and a slut and all kinds of words.

side note - i think calling other girls sluts, whores, bitches, etc... needs to stop

secondly, if you are getting this jealous about other girls, why'd you break up with him? especially since it was her idea. in my opinion, she has no right to be jealous. he doesn't owe anything to you anymore and can do what he wants.

now they aren't "official" or anything but with it just being valentines day, there was sure to be drama. he asked her to be his valentine, she said yes. then on the day of, he doesn't do or buy anything special for her until she brings it up. meanwhile, she is looking at another couple in the dorm and is comparing her relationship to theirs. for the couple, the man bought the woman jewelry and flowers and was taking her out to dinner. whereas my roommate got none of that.

again, stop comparing! their relationship is completely different from yours, as it should be. and it wasn't as if she was admiring the others relationship as something theirs should be... she was just comparing.

what you need to do, in any relationship, is self reflect. its super easy to look at another person and see all of their flaws - i know i do it too. but what about yourself? you cant control what the other person does or doesn't do. you can only react to it - in a negative or positive way. and the only way for a relationship to grow is for you to.

"there are no perfect relationships, only strong ones"
how strong is yours?


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