Court Thoughts

its always hard when you are on a team
learning how to work with others, where you belong, how you belong, and what you can do to improve on yourself and thus improve the team
but being on a team is critical, or even more so, competition

if you are to know anything about me, know that i am a tennis player
i don't care what you play or where you play it, but i think every child should play a sport at some point in their lives
and how you define "sport" is up to you
it could be gymnastics, dance, tennis, basketball, swimming, whatever
but be sure it's something where you are told "no" where you taste the sting of defeat
why? because if you never experience defeat you can never know how to rise above it. you never know how to improve afterwards. and you would have never learned that part about yourself.

i was talking to my coach about how the mens tennis team needed more guys. and i knew of some guys who wanted to play but were very hesitant and i think we convinced them to go out! it's a scary thing, thinking you are not good enough. but you don't have to be amazing at a sport to love the game.

here's my ending thought - don't be constricted by what others think of you. or what you think of yourself. maybe in the end, they guys will love being on the team. or maybe not...

i'm hoping its the former


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