Thoughts on Love

its valentines day again
for some its an excuse to treat your girl to something nice
for others its a day where you are reminded that you have somehow failed in the battle called love - that's kinda harsh

i think we need to change this
we blame society for all of the negativity about body image or relationships but we always forget - we are society
love and relationships are hard enough without the critique of others
be happy, if not for yourself today, for everyone who has someone to be happy with

i am 18 and, truth be told, i am terrified about the thought of being in a relationship
im scared about the possibility of hurt
hurting myself and hurting others

but theres a catch as well
if you are in a relationship and are hurting the other person because you are cheating or doing something selfish... then leave the relationship! staying around because you don't know how to say goodbye or whatever your reason is will cause more pain in the end
don't cheat

but if you are scared of hurting someone because you don't share the same feelings that someone has for you, that is stupid
don't be ashamed of your feelings - that's like being ashamed of being yourself and being human
(and i'm sure at some point in the past you have liked someone who didn't like you back as well)

i guess the point i am trying to get at is
because the more you give the more you get


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