A Letter to Someone Who May Not Love Me Back

I love you. Plain and simple as that. I loved you since the moment you walked back into my life. Despite all of the shit you put me through, I never stopped loving you.

You make me want to be a better person. You drive me crazy. You support me.

Whatever happens, I just want you in my life.

Maybe you love me too, maybe you don't. I'm not writing this to change your feelings - I'm writing this to express my own.

You told me your secrets - the dark ones. Remember that, because you can tell me anything. I want to be that person for you, the one who will never run no matter what you say. And you've seen me cry. You saw me cry and still didn't leave - so thank you for that.

I want you to be happy, I do. And I honestly believe I could contribute to your happiness. No, I don't want to be its source. We both have to be happy on our own first.

I know you're not ready for a relationship - you've made that very clear. But when you are ready, I hope you think of me. I hope you remember meetings at midnight. Making funny faces at each other. Concerts. Ending our day with dinner and a movie. Sitting at the lake. Parties. Joking with each other in a way where we knew we could take it. The hard conversations. I hope you remember how I was there for you. I hope you remember how I never walked away.

It was the way you smiled and the way you laughed, I knew I wanted that in my life. I fell in love with the way you made me feel, like I was home when I was with you. No matter what, the way I feel when I think about you won't go away - because believe me, I've tried. It would be so much easier to not feel anything, to repress that part of my mind. But then again, it sure would be a lonely existence without you.

Most of all I fell in love with our friendship. You're my best friend and I'll always love you


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