Post Election Thoughts

Let's just put the fact out there: Donald Trump is the 2016 president-elect

Am I thrilled? Not really, but here are my thought's after the past couple days

#NotMyPresident - to me it's not about not accepting the results of the election. Instead, it's a sentiment that Donald Trump does not represent the people (and not just in the sense that he lost the popular vote). I would never wish for him to fail, in fact I hope for the opposite. I hope he proves me wrong

But in response to the protests and the harsh sentiment towards each other...

Peaceful protests are fine, great really! But don't turn into the people you were protesting against in the first place. I always thought the point of protests was to bring awareness. To tell people that being sexist, racist, homophobic, etc is wrong. If that's why you are protesting, great. But if you are protesting in order to diminish those who voted for him, stop

You can't dismiss someone's fears about the future. Their fears about leaving their home, what their reproductive health will look like, about how others will now look at and act towards them as you pass each other on the street, etc are as real as yours. These feelings demand to be felt. So if you need to hug a dog, do it. If you need to talk to someone, do so. If you need to take a moment to breathe, breathe. You're mental health is immensely important, so do what's necessary to take care of yourself.

(Side Note) If someone hurt you (emotionally or physically), they can't just say that it wasn't their intention and pretend it didn't happen. The fact is they did hurt you. They don't get to decide whether something they said hurt you or not. And while you might acknowledge their apology, you don't have to accept it either. But you should apologize and you should try to accept it, because hanging on to things doesn't help

What this election has taught me so far is to have an open mind, because it's far from over


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